Quack! Pew pew pew pew! Huh.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?
She always LOVES to eat a good... pizzananas (pineapple-pizza)!
Beepboopbeepbeep I belong to the race with name "human".
A group of weird people making weird games. That's basically it.
What? You want to know more? Huh.
TEAGHER is all about creating things for the sake of creativity and having a blast together.
We really do whatever we think would be fun in the moment. Go have a look at our games and see by yourself.
Although we create unusual games, we love to pour our hearts into it and we put a strong emphasis on quality and polish.
And, yes, we are all based in Normandy, France. You can find us in various events here and there showing our work to people.